    CNBM Overseas Economic Cooperation Co, Ltd.
  • Zhan Yanjing visited CBMIE Shenzhen branch

    From May 28th to 29th, Zhan Yanjing, chief accountant of CNBM Group and chairman of CNBM Group Import and Export Co., Ltd., visited the group's three branch companies in Shenzhen to conduct and guidance operation management.

  • CNBM Middle East Industrial Products B2B A warm welcome to you

    The CNBM Industrial Products Overseas (UAE) Service Center, which under CNBM Overseas Co., Ltd, is the first batch of international marketing service public platforms. The SinoPro Middle East Industrial Products B2B platform now have released

  • 进出口公司指导调研中建材海外工作


  • 进出口公司指导调研中建材海外工作


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